
Ah! I was going through my older links and found – ta da! – a link to my older blog with other craft posts!

It has a cat-card I made for my mother, a rockin’ card for my little bro, and some cute match boxes!

Enjoy them!!

– Otter

Art-Out Saturday! (No. 1)

Every Saturday I’m going to take on a new, creative project as an outlet for my artsy side. During the week, I’m tired from work and really don’t get to focus on my crafts.

Here is the result of today, Art-out Saturday No. 1! Cute right?

cards that will soon be for sale once I fine-tune the stamp technique.

  cards that will soon be for sale once I fine-tune the stamp technique.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend lovelies!


DIY Glitter topped votives

I felt thrifty and creative yesterday while cruising the grocery store. So I stopped at the craft section and picked up a votive holder. Glitter votive holder DIY projects are all over the web for you to follow if you aren’t comfortable winging it.

First, some simple tools:

  • glitter
  • glass votive
  • glue
  • paintbrush
  • plate/dish
  • workspace easily de-glittered
  • painter’s tape

1) Wash the glass with warm water and soap. Clean votives are better

clean votive.

2) Tape about an inch or an inch and a half off the top of the glass. It’s hard to get it even. If you want to be nasty-neat about it, try using a measuring tape and a sharpie to mark a dotted line where the tape will go. (Check my happy gray nails!)


3) Take your brush and dip it in the glue. Paint over the tape so it’ll peel off in a straight line later. I painted the top of the glass so the glue spilled over the top. My favorite adhesive is Modge Podge. It’s universally awesome.








4) This is where the plate/dish comes in. Hold the votive over the plate and sprinkle the glitter over it. Dip the rim in the glitter that fell onto the plate to coat the rim. Tap the glass over the dish or the sink to knock the excess glitter off.


5) Set the glass aside to the dry somewhere it wont be bothered with and let it hang out for about 3 minutes. Before the glue dries too fast, peel the tape off so it leaves a straight edge.

6) Leave the votive to dry.


7) After it dries, tap the votive gently again to knock off some of the excess. Ta – Da!! A lovely candle holder for all the pretty candles!


I hope you guys feel inspired to make a glitter votive for yourself! It adds a bit of a sparkly to the room, without being overwhelming.

Stay Lovely! ❤
